Friday, March 20, 2015

Positive Gun Dog Seminar "gofundme" Campaign

I am not sure how comfortable I feel with putting this "gofundme" campaign out there, I often find attempts at funding "personal projects" to be annoying at best... however, getting more examples of well trained, working gun dogs out in the hunting world who have been positively trained will make inroads for positive training of hunting dogs everywhere.

My interest in hunting came well before I ever could’ve envisioned myself wearing camo, wielding a gun or field dressing game. It began, like so many other major changes in my life, with a burning question. “What is in my food?” Within a year I would, buy my first gun, take my hunter safety course and embark on one of the least expected adventures of my life. I would move from a world in which my food came in plastic containers to a world in which I studied and stalked my food.  

For this journey I have recruited a companion, my Brittany pup Pippie. I knew that I wanted a hunting dog and that I wanted to train her using the most positive methods I could find, not only because it felt right, but also because I wanted a true partner with me on the hunt, someone who is loving it as much as I am.

I did not count on just how difficult it would be to find a positive gun dog training community and positive gun dog trainers. I have been VERY fortunate to find many wonderful positive trainers in my area and just recently discovered that Positive Gun Dogs of Minnesota is hosting a positive training seminar this May in Blaine, MN. Unfortunately the unexpected cost of $335, plus pet friendly accommodations and provisions puts this seminar just out of reach, unless I can raise a little extra money to help cover the cost.